Chapter 2606 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep98
- After raising hell with several of the know-nothing security personnel around the stage, Beth finally was directed to someone named Mandy, who at least gave the impression she'd see if Ron was still backstage. Beth was afraid he had been taken by Courtney and Shannon back to their room. She knew they had experienced a firsthand view of what Ron was packing that first night, from the bathroom window, and didn't doubt they'd do everything in their power to get him alone.
- Suddenly Beth heard a smattering of giggles, then outburst of laughter coming from those remaining around the pool. She looked up to see numerous people looking past her and pointing. About that time, Sue grabbed Beth by the arm, saying, "Ah, you might want to see this."
- Beth quickly turned to be confronted by an obviously drunk Ron, his cock obscenely erect and on display behind his swim suit. "Sue.....MOM!" he said much louder than necessary, "What's up?" he smiled, seemingly pleased to see them, and apparently unaware of the scene he was causing.